Sunday, April 19, 2009

and i love you more than the others ;p

i love you more than the others ;p

not because you are the most beautiful looking,
though beautiful you are, indeed.

not because you are the best dancer ever,
though i think you are really really awesome.

not because you are the gentlest person that ever grace the face of the earth,
though i kind of have a glimpse on how sweet you could be.

not because you are the easiest person to work with,
though i know now better than when i first started.

i love you more than the others ;p
because of the way you bloom like a shy daffodil on the Diag

i love you more than the others ;p
because of the rare jokes and silliness that escaped from time to time from your fiercely guarded efficiency.

i love you more than the others ;p
because of the way your smile lights up your face at those moments when you let your guards down.

i love you more than the others ;p
because you eventually let your guards down at all.

i love you more than the others ;p
because i feel deep inside of someone calling out,
someone who are as carefree as a bird,
as cheerful as a Summer sunshine,
as fleet-footed as a deer in Fall,
as gorgeous as a rainbow on an early Spring day,
as amazing as my first snow of the legendary Michigan Winter.

i love you more than the others ;p
because you continue to amaze me,
but not surprise me.

i love you more than the others ;p
because i know,
there is so much more to come.

and i am sad,
because i won't be there to uncover the jewels,
of your personality puzzle.

but still,
you are right....
i love you more than the others ;p

but you are wrong,
because it is not something that you need to live up to,
because i love you,
for what it's worth,
for who you are.

and i love the way,
you bloom...

may your Spring be magical,
as magical as the flower,
which is You.

Ann Arbor, April 19, 2009

Inspired by and dedicated to a very special friend whose words are quoted in this poem ;p

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