Tuesday, March 13, 2007

stuck in the mud

stuck in the mud
and couldn't get away

stuck in the mud
and each step grew heavier and heavier and heavier

stuck in the mud
and the stubborn mud clinging to the soles of the shoes

stuck in the mud
there we were under the glarring sun

and yet the unavoidable question lingered:
"would you bear it with me?"

simple, stupid moments like getting stuck in the mud
with choices as many as leaving you under the sun...
getting the first ride home...
or staying there knowing that i'm almost quite useless....

but then again..
shouldn't i learn to trust you more?
knowing that things would be okay, eventually...

and that if i don't trust you enough to know that you could deal with us being stuck in the mud
and walk away...
how could i ever trust you with my life...
and me with yours?

at the end of the day,
"thank you for sticking with me, though you could have walked away..."

you know,
"it's not that it didn't cross my mind...but if just because of being stuck in mud made me walk away, then WE should not deserve another chance..."

and that as simple as being stuck in the mud,
could be the gravest sign to say,
and might be the simplest, worst, or best, choice a partner could take.

Banda Aceh, 11 - 13 March 2007.

1 comment:

Bijoy said...

good poem keep the thinking work go on liked it like to visit more be in touch kewl blog intrestig work you have got there be in touch

Biby Cletus