Monday, January 25, 2010

there's enough love in the world... don't be afraid...

there's enough love in the world,
for you, my dear,
don't worry.

there's enough caresses in store for you,
gentle words,
reassuring hugs.

there's enough pain to last a lifetime,
but there's not enough time to spend your life,
wallowing in self pity.

there's enough love in the world for you, my dear,
if only you could open your eyes...

or maybe, if only you could close your eyes,
and open your heart instead.

listening to all those unspoken words,
taking them for granted,
and just believe that people are being sincere.

there's enough love in the world,
don't be afraid to fail,
because there's enough love in the world,
to help you heal.

and if somebody says,
Te quiero,
just take it for granted that it's true.

though it seems impossible.

of all the imperfections that i am,
one thing you know is true,
i don't lie to you.

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