Friday, August 14, 2009

Love story at the Angkor

Never before I felt such tranquility,
In the midst of such unfamiliar terrain,
Encountering unfamiliar feelings.

A sense of awe,
And peacefulness,
In the midst of all the newness of the situation.

For once in my life,
I jumped on a plane,
Leaving a mountain of responsibilities and self doubt,
And embarked on a crazy, spontaneous journey.

Looking back and having no regret,
Feeling the waves of love taking over me.

Wanting to shut my eyes tight,
Losing myself…
But I opened them wide instead,
And felt the love,
Indulging myself.

For it was a time,
For me, my camera, and the sun,
Beneath the shadows of the Angkor temples.

Summer 2009

PS: for two of my most amazing best friends, thank you for making this experience possible.

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